Struggling with Consistency? Well, It’s Overrated Anyways

Amy Huang
5 min readNov 28, 2023
Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash

In the footnote of success story is consistency. Whatever happens, you do not give up. That is the cardinal rule.

I’ve been led to believe that success is 90% consistency. I hate it, but it’s probably true.

The thing is — consistency has never been my strong suit. Heck, I feel like it’s my ultimate creative nemesis. Not to mention consistency with habits and routines, I can’t even stay consistent with my interests. If I could just bring myself to invest the same amount of passion in just one project for long enough, perhaps I could actually see my ideas come to fruition for once.

It doesn’t matter how hard I plead with my ADHD brain — it’s never going to work. I’m often left with feeling cursed with the gift of endless ideas but without the power to get anything done.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thrown my hands up in the air and called it quits. You can still fail over and over, no matter how hard you try. You could’ve done everything right. But when you got brain like that, you’re not left with many options. It’s not about laziness or lack of discipline, motivation or drive. You’re probably here reading this because you’ve already tried to tackle those potential problems but to no avail. Is there something else you’re missing? A secret sauce, perhaps, or a…

